Thursday, July 9, 2009

Where Would YOU Go?

I was once given the chance to fly anywhere Southwest Airlines flies by way of a free plane ticket. I had three kids at the time, and I had just had Layla Grace a couple months before that, and really needed a get away. Because of my job, and Mike's job, I only had a 24 hour window to be gone. I had to make it worth it, and choose a place I could bring Miss Layla Grace along. I ran through my options:

Hot dog in New York.

Sunset in Hawaii.

Trolleys in San Fran.

Coffee in Seattle.

I finally settled on Reno. We still lived in Vegas at the time, and wanted more than anything to live in Reno. So, with tiny babe in tow, I flew to Reno for a visit with my oldest brother and his family. It was a perfect fit. I wouldn't have changed my destination. I will just keep those other ones on my list.

1 comment:

A Bit Of Everything said...

Ya,keep those other options alive friend. I have been to and experienced them...

New York - Hot dog and SO MUCH MORE (to much to write about!

Hawaii - Sunset, rain, white beach, clear estm water, relaxation

San Fran (the city) = Trolley, Embarcardo, Golden Gate Park. exploreatiaum, the never ending piers, and Bridge, and the inner city life to live with

Seattle - Coffee, Pikes Market, Coast, Woods, etc...

Do not give up friend!