Monday, March 30, 2009


Remember when we were kids playing foursquare on the playground, and we hit the line or we were not quite ready when the A Square person threw out the first ball? We would holler that we get a do-over!! Sometimes I think I want my adult life to live that way.

So, now I am giving you the chance to join me. Maybe you started working on some project but stopped. Perhaps you made exercise your resolution but didn't make it beyond January 31st. Maybe you were gung ho about keeping a journal or blogging, but have fizzled out. Or, do you find yourself caught up in unimportant things so everything truly important falls to the wayside.

Declare a DO OVER and pick it back up. Personally, I have been working now, and forgetting to adjust my schedule to allow for food and exercise. That's my do-over. I am going to the gym. See you when I get back.

The resemblance is uncanny, isn't it.


shontell said...

I did it! I went to the gym. Then I realized I wore my sweater the whole time I was on the treadmill. For those of you who don't know what I am getting at, it means I wasn't really exerting myself. I had another do-over today. Sweaty, schwetty, and out of breath. Much better.

Trista said...

we bought P90X, we have done the pre fitness test. That counts as a workout right? I thought about doing it this morning til I remembered that I was tired and in a fight with my husband, so I got shmopey. Thinking about it should get some kind of point. Maybe I will do it when the kids take a nap. You are quite the motivator.