Monday, February 2, 2009

Let's Get Physical

This picture never gets old for me. Makes me crack right up.

Anyhoo, how are those situps coming along? I have seriously cut out so much junk food I am not doing them nearly as often in a day. That is good, I guess, but I really want to be doing situps to work on this belly o'mine. (That's Irish for chubs). SO, I am throwing out a challenge to all who come near this place.

MOVE!! That's it. My challenge to you is to move. Take the dog for walk. Do situps even if you don't eat junk food. Do twenty jumping jacks (bet you can't; those things are killer!!) Jump rope to one whole song. Go to the gym, or run up and down your stairs twenty times. Just do something that gets your ticker ticking and those pits sweaty.

So many times we are too exhausted to work out, but many times it's because we aren't working out, so we are exhausted. Dizzy yet? Stick around. It's like that around here.
In the very wise words of Rob Schneider, "YOU CAN DO IT!!"


laura said...

I started running again today. So, I had a couple of extra treats this evening. But, I have to say it shook off this dark cloud of depression that's been lingering. My goal is to not be embarrassed to put on my bathing suit this summer.

shontell said...

I feel ya sister. Awesome job on the run!

Unknown said...

i think all i needed to motivate me was this picture of you. I must hang it around my neck at all times.

Joelle said...

I started running 3x a week with my neighbor and we are doing really well. I feel great and am so excited to finally have a routine and someone to hold me accountable. We compliment each other well and push ourselves too. Now I just need to stop eating the M&M cookies I made last Saturday! :p

Erin do you want to come run with us on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday?

shontell said...

YAY JO!! I am going to send you a present for motivating a fellow fruity. DO IT ERIN!!

Trista said...

I was here, not as motivated as all of you yet. I have been losing weight without exercising. I don't want to jinx myself. It's horrible I know. I still wont be able to wear a bathing suit because smaller still doesn't look good when it all jiggles, but I can fit into my regular jeans agaon. I am going to exercise. I am walking the half marathon in May if anyone is interested. I love that picture Shontell.

Unknown said...

I just changed job so I can exercise more. I moved to Reno last summer and have been commuting to Carson City for my job there, and had to give up my morning walk because I had to leave so early. I recently got a new job in Reno and start next week. I am SO looking forward to my morning walk - my body doesn't do well without exercise. And just being out in God wonderful creation - seeing the morning sunrise, feeling the fresh, crisp air, hearing the birds wake up, it all lifts my spirits and gets my day started right. Thank you Jesus, for a new job in this era of so many who are losing jobs.