Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Practice What You Preach

So, without getting into personal details, I was on a bit of high alert the previous few weeks over my health. We had a small unsubstantiated scare with some pain I have been experiencing. I finally made it to the doctors today, and even though they got my chart confused with a 7 months pregnant lady, made me pee for her in a tiny cup, weighed me in and stared at me in confusion for longer than I was comfortable with, they declared that I will not be needing further testing and my parts are "fantastic."
On my way home, I made a couple phone calls to people who have been praying for me through the waiting, and reported calmly that everything was fine. A little while later, as I was driving to school, it hit me that the results could have just as easily gone the other way. I was so busy with what was coming next in my day, I forgot to do the very thing I am reminding so many others to do.
In a way, it was like I was praising myself for not having a deadly disease and the doctor for not finding one. What?! How bizarre.
What am I so busy doing that I can't stop for a second and realize that God was just holding me, protecting me, asking me to notice how loving, caring, and worthy he is?
I noticed. I had to do a little backtracking and confessing, but I did it. Is there something you are forgetting to mention to the one who loves you most? Come on, you can tell me.


melaroo said...

yep--like i said the other day--i hate that i find myself in this very position way too often. crises arise, and so i pray. i pray fervently, with trust and faith, and sometimes tears, but i pray. and i believe. and i ask others to pray. and then, God gives me the specific answer i'm looking for, which makes me happy. yay that everything turned out well. yay to my friends for praying for me. yay that i'm okay, or this situation is working out, or good things are happening. and yet, somehow, i completely forget to thank the God i spent so much time asking for help! sigh. my human-ness-iosity tires me.

shontell said...

are there good iosities? gener I suppose.

kris and mel said...

i don't really have anything to say but i'm amused that my word verification is "mater".

Unknown said...

praise God that the doctor said that Ellie doesn't have anything serious. May God forgive my frustration with the doctor ....and my irritation at what? hoping he would find something? sigh. God is good. so so so so so so good.

shontell said...

God IS good friend. I am glad your little peanut head is okay. I will continue to pray for her to be healed from whatever is making her hurt.