Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sorry for the long time and no posts

I am suddenly a working girl! Yikes, but thank you, God. I want to post something good and not just thrown together so you have something new to look at. SO, I will throw out a little challenge, and I will check back by Tuesday and post something significant.

CHALLENGE: Do something to take care of you. Something that makes you feel good and get a little further in your day. Pedicure, manicure, take a nap, go on a run, go to the gym, sit and read a book, sign up for a class and learn something new. You choose. Just do something for you.

I'd love to hear what you pick and how it goes.

Also, I don't know what this picture means, but it makes me happy.


laura said...

I confess, I haven't been reading my JOY book at all:( But, I have been running 2-3 days a week, doing pilates 2-3 days a week and studying my bootie off!

shontell said...

That is great! I have been watching tv. These stinkin shows have sucked me in. I have also been working like crazy and studying like crazy, which means I SHOULDN'T have time for tv. I am giving up sleep. What is wrong with me?!