Monday, January 5, 2009

A Giant Carrot up His Sleeve

"I think God is working on something up there..something heavenly"

This is (mostly) a quote from a song I heard on the radio today. The songwriter is saying he has lots of issues, life is chaotic, and things don't really seem to be going the way he thinks he wants them to go. BUT he says he trusts God because He must be working on pulling something great together or God wouldn't be asking this songwriter to keep enduring.
Fill in your own blank with what you are enduring. Are you supposed to be enduring something and you have been hiding in the background hoping the choir director doesn't pick you for a solo? It happens to the best of us. Maybe you are tired or sick or sick AND tired. Maybe you need physical healing and all the faith you can muster doesn't seem to be enough for God to make it happen. (Lucky for you God doesn't solely operate that way.) Perhaps you are suffering in some other way: depression, addiction, self loathing, too much junk food, too much single living when you really just want to be married. What ever your "blank" is, trust that God is working on something up there...something heavenly. Maybe it's a giant carrot.

Here are some steps to take to help you wait (sounds funny, I know):

Join a bible study so you are meeting with God and faces to hold you accountable

Serve a little more. (My mother nicely tells anyone feeling badly about themselves to 'quiet down and serve' only she doesn't say quiet down. Maybe she doesn't say it nicely either, but people listen!)

Show up to church (mind-bottling, I know. "Did you just say mind-bottling?")

Join a prayer group or small group at your church

start exercising

start cutting down on rotten food and bulking up on the healthies. If you are full on healthy food, you won't have as much room for the junk. It works- honest.

Find a good book- I recommend The Bible, but those ones listed over there on the right are pretty good as well.


Joelle said...

Thanks for the reminders friend, keep 'em comin! I have been eatting really well since I left you and I am sick of it!! My body is screaming at me.

kris and mel said...

i heart you, sister, and i am proud of you for this blog. you always inspire me, always entertain me, and always make me laugh. thank you for doing this. i will add you to my blog sunday list! :)

p.s. my word verification is "tallon". giant birds, anyone?

shontell said...

"Do the chickens have sharp tallons?" ahaha yay. I am so glad to hear that, JO, your body hates you- I mean that you are eating well, and the Mel is a visitor. :)