Friday, January 9, 2009


and BTW (don't you love tween lingo?) For any of you following this here blog AND interested in following along with the Bible study, we are starting on Monday, the
19th as day one. SO, anyone who stuck with it a little longer in their previous attempt gets to lay out and get a tan in the snowy reflection of Mount Peavine. You could also read through the scriptures, declutter a closet, add ten jumping jacks to your morning routine, quilt a blanket, take up the new hobby of watching sports. You decide. Let me know if you come up with anything spectacular.
You can get your book from a website by reading the first post on this blog and following the directions there, or simply click on the picture of the book on the right.


laura said...

My plan is to start now, so that I can finish on time:)

shontell said...

ahaa GREAT idea, Laura. and can I just say once again how jealous I am of your new tatt.!? I love trees oh so much, which would know if I ever invited you over. It really looks great!

Jenene said...

yay...i'm starting again. i finally have all the books!

:::snort::: my word verification is WYNAI is that whiney in another language? should i be offended? i'm just sayin.