Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Three Things I am Grateful For (not in order, and not exclusive)

I am grateful for my church:

where else can you make up for a missed breakfast with Starbucks pastry treats and a steamy cup-a-Joe with french vanilla creamer? mmmm. Where else can you yell nonsense at your pastor and have him respond? Where else are you guaranteed to hear at least one movie quote or see your pastor do the white man wiggle dance in every sermon? It really is a great place.

I am grateful for family dinners:

Stressful for sure, but the dinner table is where the best jokes are said, the yummiest food gets eaten, and manners are learned. It's where we reconnect, laugh, chat, and everyone leaves the table having learned something, even if it's trivial like that Mr. Ben's toots are in a class of their own. neat.

My bed:

So big, so cozy, so where I want to be, and really where I spend a lot of my time reading chapter after chapter of required and for fun reading. Most nights I can roll over and catch a glimpse of my man, but I no longer have to worry about him taking a midnight swing and punching me in the jaw on accident. Well, he SAID it was an accident.

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